
Behind Flying Group Pakistan’s success is a highly motivated and dynamic team that’s spread across various regions and is constantly growing. People are the most valuable resource at Flying Group Pakistan. Cementing ties with this vast ‘Talent Pool’, Flying Group Pakistan believes in providing them a world of opportunities in an environment that is nurturing and empowering. Encouraging a spirit of camaraderie which helps create careers that are personally rewarding and professionally enriching is the essence of the People Experience at Flying.
The Flying Tenets
A Culture of Meritocracy
Performance is at the heart of Flying’s work culture. Transparency and uniform practices ensure well-defined goals with clearly outlined expectations. An annual performance appraisal system involving self-assessment, supervisor assessment, potential and value assessment are internal frameworks deployed to cultivate a culture of meritocracy. At Flying’s, talent is identified and honed by providing opportunities for career enhancement and leadership development.
The Internal Recruitment System
Making equal opportunities available to everyone at Flying is the robust Internal Recruitment System. All open positions across locations in Pakistan are first posted on the internal HRMS portal for employees to view and apply. Managers are encouraged to pursue career moves which are mutually beneficial to them as well as the organization, allowing them to leverage their strengths that lead to career enhancement. This supports the organization’s commitment to transparency, making it an equal opportunity employer.
Transparency and Responsiveness
At Flying we practice transparency in letter and spirit. Our culture of candor and respect provides a platform for stakeholders to add value. Listening to and acting upon employee feedback is a key differentiator. Organizational Health Survey (OHS), our barometer for employee opinion is a biennial event for employees to provide feedback. The OHS results help in highlighting areas where we have done well while indicating those that need attention. The OHS action plans are cascaded top-down to drive key elements of change.
Excellence through Learning
Continuous focus on learning and development is made available at our Institute of Management Learning. A host of tailor-made programs catering to varied development needs of managers at different career stages are offered at the institute. E-learning modules provide employees opportunities to upgrade their skills while on the job. Outbound programs are made available in an external environment to help employees grow, develop and interact.